Source code for imagecat.operator.util

# Copyright 2020 Timothy M. Shead
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Functions that produce, consume, and modify Imagecat :ref:`images<images>`.

import functools
import logging

import numpy

import imagecat.optional
import imagecat.require
import imagecat.units

skimage = imagecat.optional.module("skimage.transform")

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def array(ndim=None, shape=None, dtype=None): """Factory for parameter converters that return arrays. Parameters ---------- ndim: integer, optional Raise exceptions if the number of value dimensions don't match. shape: integer or tuple of integers, optional Raise exceptions if the value shape doesn't match. dtype: :class:`numpy.dtype`, optional If specified, the returned array will be coerced to the given dtype. Returns ------- converter: callable Callable that takes a single value as input and produces a :class:`numpy.ndarray` as output. """ def implementation(value): value = numpy.array(value) if ndim is not None and value.ndim != ndim: raise ValueError(f"Expected array with {ndim} dimensions, received {value.ndim}.") # pragma: no cover if shape is not None and value.shape != shape: raise ValueError(f"Expected array with shape {shape}, received {value.shape}.") # pragma: no cover if dtype is not None: value = value.astype(dtype) return value return implementation
[docs]def log_result(log, name, operation, output, **parameters): """Standard logging output for operators when they're executed.""""Task {name} {operation}:") for name, parameter in sorted(parameters.items()):" {name}: {parameter}")" output: {output!r}")
[docs]def optional_image(name, inputs, input): """Extract an optional image from task inputs. Parameters ---------- name: hashable object, required The name of the task being executed. inputs: :ref:`named-inputs`, required Named inputs containing task function arguments. input: hashable object, required Name of the optional input image. Raises ------ :class:`RuntimeError` If `inputs` contains `input`, but it isn't a :class:``. Returns ------- image: class:`` or :any:`None` The optional image from `inputs`. """ image = optional_input(name, inputs, input) if image is None: return None if not isinstance(image, raise ValueError(f"Task {name} input {input!r} is not an image.") # pragma: no cover # This ensures that we don't accidentally modify our inputs. return image.copy()
[docs]def optional_input(name, inputs, input, *, type=None, default=None): """Extract an optional parameter from task inputs. Parameters ---------- name: hashable object, required The name of the task being executed. inputs: :ref:`named-inputs`, required Named inputs containing task function arguments. input: hashable object, required Name of the input parameter. type: callable, optional Function for testing / converting the parameter value. default: Any python object, optional Default value that will be returned if `inputs` doesn't contain `input`. Returns ------- parameter: Any python object. The optional parameter from `inputs`, or the `default` value. """ value = inputs.get(input, default=default) if type is not None: value = type(value) return value
[docs]def optional_layer(name, inputs, input, *, layer=None, role=None, depth=None, dtype=None): """Extract an optional layer from task inputs. Parameters ---------- name: hashable object, required The name of the task being executed. inputs: :ref:`named-inputs`, required Named inputs containing task function arguments. input: hashable object, required Name of the optional input image. layer: :class:`str`, optional The name of the optional layer. If :any:`None` (the default) and the image only contains one layer, use it. role: :class:``, optional If specified, the layer must have a matching role. depth: int, optional If specified, the layer must have a matching depth (number of channels). dtype: :class:`numpy.dtype`, optional If specified, the layer must have a matching dtype. Returns ------- layername: :class:`str` or :any:`None` The name of the matching layer. layer: :class:`` or :any:`None` The matching layer. """ image = optional_image(name, inputs, input) if image is None: return None, None if layer is None and len(image.layers) == 1: layer = next(iter(image.layers.keys())) if layer not in image.layers: return None, None if role is not None and image.layers[layer].role != role: return None, None if depth is not None and image.layers[layer].data.shape[2] != depth: return None, None if dtype is not None and image.layers[layer].data.dtype != dtype: return None, None return layer, image.layers[layer].copy() # This ensures that we don't modify our inputs.
[docs]def require_image(name, inputs, input): """Extract an image from task inputs. Parameters ---------- name: hashable object, required The name of the task being executed. inputs: :ref:`named-inputs`, required Named inputs containing task function arguments. input: hashable object, required Name of the required input image. Raises ------ :class:`RuntimeError` If `inputs` doesn't contain the required `input`. Returns ------- image: class:`` The required image from `inputs`. """ image = require_input(name, inputs, input) if not isinstance(image, raise ValueError(f"Task {name} input {input!r} is not an image.") # pragma: no cover # This ensures that we don't accidentally modify our inputs. return image.copy()
[docs]def require_input(name, inputs, input, *, type=None): """Extract a parameter from task inputs. Parameters ---------- name: hashable object, required The name of the task being executed. inputs: :ref:`named-inputs`, required Named inputs containing task function arguments. input: hashable object, required Name of the required input parameter. type: callable, optional Function for testing / converting the type of the input parameter value. Raises ------ :class:`RuntimeError` If `inputs` doesn't contain the required `input`. Returns ------- parameter: Any python object. The required parameter from `inputs`. """ try: value = inputs.getone(input) except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"Task {name} missing required input {input!r}.") # pragma: no cover if type is not None: value = type(value) return value
[docs]def require_layer(name, inputs, input, *, layer=None, role=None, depth=None, dtype=None): """Extract a layer from task inputs. Parameters ---------- name: hashable object, required The name of the task being executed. inputs: :ref:`named-inputs`, required Named inputs containing task function arguments. input: hashable object, required Name of the required input image. layer: :class:`str`, optional The name of the required layer. If :any:`None` (the default) and the image only contains one layer, use it. role: :class:``, optional If specified, the layer must have a matching role. depth: int, optional If specified, the layer must have a matching depth (number of channels). dtype: :class:`numpy.dtype`, optional If specified, the layer must have a matching dtype. Raises ------ :class:`RuntimeError` If a layer matching all of the criteria can't be found. Returns ------- layername: :class:`str` The name of the matching layer. layer: :class:`` The matching layer. """ image = require_image(name, inputs, input) if layer is None and len(image.layers) == 1: layer = next(iter(image.layers.keys())) if layer not in image.layers: raise RuntimeError(f"Task {name} input {input!r} missing layer {layer}.") # pragma: no cover if role is not None and image.layers[layer].role != role: raise RuntimeError(f"Task {name} input {input!r} layer {layer} expected role {role}.") # pragma: no cover if depth is not None and image.layers[layer].data.shape[2] != depth: raise RuntimeError(f"Task {name} input {input!r} layer {layer} expected {depth} channels.") # pragma: no cover if dtype is not None and image.layers[layer].data.dtype != dtype: raise RuntimeError(f"Task {name} input {input!r} layer {layer} expected dtype {dtype}.") # pragma: no cover return layer, image.layers[layer].copy() # This ensures that we don't modify our inputs.
[docs]@imagecat.require.loaded_module("skimage.transform") def transform(source, target_shape, *, pivot, position, orientation, scale, order): """Transform an image using an affine transformation. Parameters ---------- source: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, required Image to be transformed. target_shape: 2-tuple of integers, required Desired output image size, as a ``(rows, cols)`` tuple. Note that this does not have to match the size of the `source` image. By default, the `source` image will be centered in the output, cropped if necessary. pivot: 2-tuple of numbers, required Location of the point on the source image around which scaling and rotation takes place. orientation: number, required Rotation of the source around its pivot point, in degrees. Positive angles lead to counter-clockwise rotation. position: 2-tuple of numbers, required Position of the image pivot point relative to `target_shape`. scale: 2-tuple of numbers, required Scale of the source image around its pivot point. Returns ------- rowoffset: integer Vertical offset of the returned array relative to the upper-left corner of `target_shape` coloffset: integer Horizontal offset of the returned array relative to the upper-left corner of `target_shape` image: :class:`numpy.ndarray` The transformed image. """ # Get the source resolution. sourcey, sourcex = source.shape[:2] # Get the target resolution targety, targetx = target_shape[:2] # Start with an identity matrix. matrix = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(matrix=numpy.identity(3)) # Position the source image relative to its pivot. pivotx = imagecat.units.length(pivot[0], (sourcex, sourcey)) pivoty = imagecat.units.length(pivot[1], (sourcex, sourcey)) offset = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(translation=(0, -sourcey)) matrix = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(, matrix.params)) offset = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(translation=(-pivotx, pivoty)) matrix = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(, matrix.params)) # Scale the source. scale = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(scale=scale) matrix = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(, matrix.params)) # Rotate the source. rotation = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(rotation=numpy.radians(-orientation)) # Positive = counter-clockwise matrix = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(, matrix.params)) # Position the pivot relative to the target. offset = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(translation=(0, targety)) matrix = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(, matrix.params)) # Position the image relative to the target shape. positionx = imagecat.units.length(position[0], (targetx, targety)) positiony = imagecat.units.length(position[1], (targetx, targety)) offset = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(translation=(positionx, -positiony)) matrix = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(, matrix.params)) # Identify the smallest region in target space that will completely contain # the transformed source. This will become "render space". coords = [[0, 0], [sourcex, 0], [sourcex, sourcey], [0, sourcey]] coords = matrix(coords) minx, miny = numpy.max(numpy.row_stack((numpy.floor(numpy.min(coords, axis=0)), [0, 0])), axis=0).astype(numpy.int32) maxx, maxy = numpy.min(numpy.row_stack((numpy.ceil(numpy.max(coords, axis=0)), [targetx, targety])), axis=0).astype(numpy.int32) # Position the image relative to render space. offset = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(translation=(-minx, -miny)) matrix = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(, matrix.params)) # Transform the image. render_shape = (maxy - miny, maxx - minx) + target_shape[2:] return miny, maxy, minx, maxx, skimage.transform.warp(skimage.img_as_float64(source), matrix.inverse, output_shape=render_shape, order=order, mode="constant", cval=0).astype(numpy.float16)