Source code for imagecat.operator.transform

# Copyright 2020 Timothy M. Shead
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Operators that modify :ref:`images<images>` by transforming content.

import logging

import numpy

import imagecat.operator.util
import imagecat.units

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def composite(graph, name, inputs): """Composite foreground and background layers using a mask and optional transformation. Parameters ---------- graph: :ref:`graph`, required Graph that owns this task. name: hashable object, required Name of the task executing this function. inputs: :ref:`named-inputs`, required Inputs for this operator. Named Inputs ------------ background: :class:``, required Image containing the background layer. bglayer: :class:`str`, optional Name of the background layer. Defaults to :any:`None`. fglayer: :class:`str`, optional Name of the foreground layer. Defaults to :any:`None`. foreground: :class:``, required Image containing the foreground layer. layer: :class:`str`, optional Name of the output image layer. Defaults to the value of `bglayer`. mask: :class:``, optional Image containing the foreground layer mask. If omitted, the foreground layer is assumed to be 100% opaque. masklayer: :class:`str`, optional Name of the mask layer. Defaults to :any:`None`. orientation: number, optional Rotation of the foreground layer for the composition. Default: `0`. pivot: (x, y) tuple, optional Position of the foreground pivot point. All rotation and positioning is relative to this point. Default: `["0.5w", "0.5h"]`, which is centered on the foreground. position: (x, y) tuple, optional Position of the foreground layer over the background layer. All rotation and positioning is relative to the pivot point. Default: `["0.5w", "0.5h"]`, which is centered on the background. Returns ------- image: :class:`` New image with a single solid-color layer. """ bglayer = imagecat.operator.util.optional_input(name, inputs, "bglayer", default=None) fglayer = imagecat.operator.util.optional_input(name, inputs, "fglayer", default=None) masklayer = imagecat.operator.util.optional_input(name, inputs, "masklayer", default=None) background_name, background = imagecat.operator.util.require_layer(name, inputs, "background", layer=bglayer) foreground_name, foreground = imagecat.operator.util.require_layer(name, inputs, "foreground", layer=fglayer) mask_name, mask = imagecat.operator.util.optional_layer(name, inputs, "mask", layer=masklayer, depth=1) layer = imagecat.operator.util.optional_input(name, inputs, "layer", type=str, default=background_name) order = imagecat.operator.util.optional_input(name, inputs, "order", type=int, default=3) orientation = imagecat.operator.util.optional_input(name, inputs, "orientation", type=float, default=0) pivot = imagecat.operator.util.optional_input(name, inputs, "pivot", default=["0.5w", "0.5h"]) position = imagecat.operator.util.optional_input(name, inputs, "position", default=["0.5w", "0.5h"]) scale = imagecat.operator.util.optional_input(name, inputs, "scale", default=[1, 1]) if mask is None: mask = numpy.ones((foreground.shape[0], foreground.shape[1], 1), dtype=numpy.float16) else: mask = i1, i2, j1, j2, transformed_foreground = imagecat.operator.util.transform(,, pivot=pivot, orientation=orientation, position=position, scale=scale, order=order) i1, i2, j1, j2, transformed_mask = imagecat.operator.util.transform(mask,, pivot=pivot, orientation=orientation, position=position, scale=scale, order=order) alpha = transformed_mask one_minus_alpha = 1 - alpha data = data[i1:i2, j1:j2] = transformed_foreground * alpha + data[i1:i2, j1:j2] * one_minus_alpha output ={layer:, role=background.role)}) imagecat.operator.util.log_result(log, name, "composite", output, bglayer=bglayer, fglayer=fglayer, masklayer=masklayer, layer=layer, order=order, orientation=orientation, pivot=pivot, position=position, scale=scale) return output
[docs]def offset(graph, name, inputs): """Offset layers in an :ref:`image<images>`. Parameters ---------- graph: :class:`graphcat.Graph`, required Graph that owns this task. name: hashable object, required Name of the task executing this function. inputs: :ref:`named-inputs`, required Inputs for this operator. Named Inputs ------------ image: :class:``, required Image containing layers to be offset. layers: :class:`str`, optional Pattern matching the layers to be offset. Default: '*', which offsets all layers. offset: (x, y) tuple, required Distance to offset layers along each dimension. Returns ------- image: :class:`` A copy of the input image with some layers offset. """ image = imagecat.operator.util.require_image(name, inputs, "image") layers = imagecat.operator.util.optional_input(name, inputs, "layers", type=str, default="*") offset = imagecat.operator.util.optional_input(name, inputs, "offset", default=["0.5w", "0.5h"]) output = for layer_name in image.match_layer_names(layers): layer = image.layers[layer_name] data = xoffset = int(imagecat.units.length(offset[0], layer.res)) yoffset = -int(imagecat.units.length(offset[1], layer.res)) # We always treat +Y as "up" data = numpy.roll(data, shift=(xoffset, yoffset), axis=(1, 0)) output.layers[layer_name] = layer.copy(data=data) imagecat.operator.util.log_result(log, name, "offset", output, layers=layers, offset=offset) return output
[docs]def resize(graph, name, inputs): """Resize an :ref:`image<images>` to a new resolution. Parameters ---------- graph: :class:`graphcat.Graph`, required Graph that owns this task. name: hashable object, required Name of the task executing this function. inputs: :ref:`named-inputs`, required Inputs for this operator. Named Inputs ------------ image: :class:``, required Image to be resized. order: :any:`int`, optional Resampling filter order. Default: '3' for bicubic resampling. res: (width, height) tuple, optional New resolution of the image along each dimension. Returns ------- image: :class:`` A copy of the input image that has been resized. """ import skimage.transform image = imagecat.operator.util.require_image(name, inputs, "image") order = imagecat.operator.util.optional_input(name, inputs, "order", type=int, default=3) res = imagecat.operator.util.optional_input(name, inputs, "res", default=("1w", "1h")) output = for layername, layer in image.layers.items(): width = int(imagecat.units.length(res[0], layer.res)) height = int(imagecat.units.length(res[1], layer.res)) data = skimage.transform.resize(, (height, width), anti_aliasing=True, order=order).astype( output.layers[layername] = layer.copy(data=data) imagecat.operator.util.log_result(log, name, "resize", output, order=order, res=res) return output