Source code for imagecat.color

# Copyright 2020 Timothy M. Shead
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Functionality for color mapping and colorspace conversion.

import numpy

[docs]class Palette(object): """Storage for an ordered collection of colors. A palette is an ordered collection of colors. Typically, palettes are used to define color mappings. See Also -------- :func:`srgb_to_linear` Useful for converting colors from other sources into linear space. Parameters ---------- colors: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, required :math:`M \\times N` matrix containing :math:`M` colors with :math:`N` channels each. Note that while three channels for colors is typical, any number of channels is allowed. The color channels *must* be in linear space, not sRGB. reverse: boolean, optional If `True`, reverse the order of `colors`. """ def __init__(self, colors, reverse=False): colors = numpy.array(colors) if reverse: colors = colors[::-1] self._colors = colors @property def colors(self): """Color data stored by this palette. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` :math:`M \\times N` matrix containing :math:`M` colors with :math:`N` channels each. """ return self._colors
[docs]def categorical_map(data, palette): """Convert scalar data to color data using a categorical map. Integer input values will be used to lookup colors in `palette`. Modulo arithmetic ensures that colors are repeated for negative or out-of-bound colors. Floating point values are truncated using "floor" prior to lookup. Parameters ---------- data: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, required The data to be mapped. palette: :class:`Palette`, required The palette of colors to use for the categorical mapping. Returns ------- mapped: :class:`numpy.ndarray` Mapped data with the same shape as `data`, but an extra dimension added. """ data = numpy.array(data) if not numpy.issubdtype(data.dtype, numpy.integer): data = numpy.floor(data).astype(numpy.int64) colors = palette.colors flat = numpy.reshape(data, -1) % len(colors) mapped = numpy.empty((len(flat), colors.shape[1]), dtype=numpy.float) for index, channel in enumerate(colors.T): mapped[:,index] = colors[flat][:,index] return mapped.reshape((*data.shape, colors.shape[1]))
[docs]def linear_map(data, palette, min=None, max=None): """Convert scalar data to color data using a linear map. Input values between `min` and `max` will be linearly mapped to the colors in `palette`. If `min` or `max` are :any:`None`, the corresponding value will be computed from the data. Parameters ---------- data: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, required The data to be mapped. palette: :class:`Palette`, required The palette of colors to use for the linear mapping. min: number, optional If :any:`None` (the default) uses the minimum value in `data`. max: number, optional If :any:`None` (the default) uses the maximum value in `data`. Returns ------- mapped: :class:`numpy.ndarray` Mapped data with the same shape as `data`, but an extra dimension added. """ data = numpy.array(data) if min is None: min = data.min() if max is None: max = data.max() colors = palette.colors stops = numpy.linspace(min, max, len(colors)) flat = numpy.reshape(data, -1) mapped = numpy.empty((len(flat), colors.shape[1]), dtype=numpy.float) for index, channel in enumerate(colors.T): mapped[:,index] = numpy.interp(flat, stops, channel) return mapped.reshape((*data.shape, colors.shape[1]))
[docs]def linear_to_srgb(data): """Convert linear color data to sRGB. Acessed from Parameters ---------- data: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, required Array of any shape containing linear data to be converted to sRGB. Returns ------- converted: :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array with the same shape as `data` containing values in sRGB space. """ return numpy.where(data <= 0.0031308, data * 12.92, 1.055 * numpy.power(data, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055)
[docs]def srgb_to_linear(data): """Convert sRGB data to linear color. Acessed from Parameters ---------- data: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, required Array of any shape containing sRGB data to be converted to linear. Returns ------- converted: :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array with the same shape as `data` containing values in linear space. """ return numpy.where(data <= 0.04045, data / 12.92, numpy.power((data + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4))
# Generated using #transformation_matrix = { # "sRGB/CAT02/ACEScg": numpy.array([ # [ 0.6131178129, 0.3411819959, 0.0457873443], # [ 0.0699340823, 0.9181030375, 0.0119327755], # [ 0.0204629926, 0.1067686634, 0.8727159106], # ]), # "ACEScg/CAT02/sRGB": numpy.array([ # [ 1.7048873310, -0.6241572745, -0.0808867739], # [-0.1295209353, 1.1383993260, -0.0087792418], # [-0.0241270599, -0.1246206123, 1.1488221099], # ]), #}